thoughts on the changing states of motherhood. • by leah house
our community at jnr.life is what sustains us. it always has, and always will.
a community that believes in the notion that from small seeds and ideas, big things can grow. and that caring for ourselves, our family and everything in between helps us to live, grow and thrive together is ... where. it's. at.
our beautiful friend, leah house (based in london) has recently launched jorgen house - a shape wear label designed to support women through motherhood and beyond. we love what she has created, and have asked her to share her thoughts with us, on the changing states of woman hood.
"as a mother to two young children, i became all too familiar with the throw away mentality that comes with maternity wear. clothing just wasn’t designed for a changing body shape.
we go through so many different sizes in our adult life, whether that’s down to pregnancy or purely changing body shapes during womanhood, yet we expect our clothing to fit us comfortably throughout these ever-evolving states. my body shape fluctuated throughout my pregnancies, and my clothing just wasn’t designed to adapt throughout these changes. the maternity wear pieces i bought didn’t work for me after my babies were born and i didn’t have the desire to continue wearing them either.
it was on my maternity leave with my first child, trying to navigate my new fourth trimester body shape. i was still uncomfortable in unfitting clothing and tackling breastfeeding in public, exposing my stomach which grew bones inside of me, yet i was ashamed to let anyone see. even more, i couldn’t find a decent maternity sports bra that i could both work out in and feed my baby in.
with a background in lingerie, swim, surf and sportswear, i’m highly skilled in the fields of contour design and i’m passionate about innovation, product design and sustainability. i recognised the need for a more adaptive and considered approach to maternity wear. i want to encourage women to feel at home, wherever they are.
this is the feeling of coming home. we are home. our bodies house other people, but they are also our own refuge. we want to feel comfort in that, happiness in our form – looking after the body is paramount.
i’m committed to making a more sustainable brand with comfort at its core. jorgen house has been developed for that purpose – lifewear engineered for the changing states of woman hood.
i hope you feel at home
jorgen house is a work in progress "
to read, explore and immerse, visit jorgen house.